
May 2024 Recommended Reads

Dear Saints, 

Each month, I make recommendations of books that I think will be a blessing to your walk with the Lord.  While I do realize that reading books has fallen on hard times today (statistics say that almost half of college graduates never read a whole book after college), I do believe that Christians should have a particular interest in reading good books.  Reading good books is like fellowshipping with dear saints of past and present. Through their words, we can gain new perspectives and deepen our understanding of God’s truth and how to apply it to our lives. 

With that said, here are some recommendations in various categories. I know it can be an overwhelming list, but that’s not the goal. The goal is that among these categories, you might find one or two books that particularly excite you, and dive into this month.  

My Main Read for May: Over the last few months, I’ve become very encouraged by listening to and reading biographies about missionaries.  For that reason, I’ve chosen Elisabeth Elliot’s A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy CarmichaelNot only was Mrs. Elliot an extraordinary writer, but she beautifully portrays the life of Amy Carmichael, who spent fifty-three years serving in south India.  Carmichael’s life melds deep theological profundity with sincere love for neighbor in a way that will warm the heart and challenge the will of any believer.  If you’d like a sample of Carmichael’s heart, read a sample of her poem, “If: What do I know of Calvary Love?.”  

Devotional: Every Sunday, you may notice a small periodical named “Tabletalk” that we make available for free in the narthex.  Published by Ligonier Ministries and named after Martin Luther’s famous Table Talk conversations, “Tabletalk” contains excellent daily devotionals and encouraging articles that will surely be a blessing to your walk with the Lord.  Pick up a copy this Sunday!  

Bible Study: This month’s recommendation is fairly niche but may be of interest to some in our congregation who enjoy the history and archaeology of the Bible.  John Currid’s Archaeology Study Bible is a fascinating resource for understanding the geography of the Bible.  Dr. Currid was my Hebrew professor in seminary, and travels frequently to Israel for archaeological digs. 

Ministry: By God’s grace, we have several young men in our congregation who are considering going into pastoral ministry.  As I seek to help shepherd these men so that they may be prepared for God’s calling in their lives, I am excited about John Currie’s newly released book, The Pastor as Leader. If any men in this congregation are considering whether the Lord may be calling them to pastoral ministry, or if you’d just like to understand the work of the pastor better, I’d be delighted to discuss this book with you as I work through it. 

Christian Living: One of the first books I read as a new Christian was Jerry Bridges’ The Pursuit of Holiness.  This was a book full of truths that I as a newborn believer could digest and grow into, and through the years I’ve read it again and again.  I have no doubt this book will be a blessing to you if you dive into it!

Church Issues: How Jesus Runs the Church by Guy Waters is a wonderful explanation of how church government works according to Scripture.  While church politics are often perceived as boring and unspiritual, Waters actually teaches that a rightly ordered church is an act of worship toward Christ.  

Family/ Parenting: In previous months, my parenting recommendations have been books appropriate for both husbands and wives.  This month’s recommendation is specifically for husbands about how to shepherd their family.  Timothy Witmer’s The Shepherd Leader at Home gives helpful, practical guidance for husbands and fathers as they seek to lead their homes in a way that is pleasing to Christ.  I urge all the men of our congregation to read this book!  

Christianity in Culture:  I have a general rule that if Kevin DeYoung writes it, I should probably read it.  His newest release, The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation, is a mercifully short book loaded with practical ways to faithfully pass the faith on to the next generation.  This is something every believer ought to care about!  

Kids: I asked Sally Purser for recommendations on books for children, and here’s what she said their family is enjoying:

Also, with Mother’s Day coming up, here are a few books that I have been told may be encouraging to mothers in your life: 

As always, while I recommend these books, it doesn’t mean that I recommend everything in all of these books.  Always read with discernment, that your soul may be nurtured and grow in the Lord Jesus. 

And while we’re at it, follow Charles Spurgeon’s advice:  “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”

With love in Christ, dear saints- 

Alex Mark

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