• Pastoral Letters,  Uncategorized

    Gospel Grace and Sabbath Rest

    This month in our pastoral letters, we’re thinking about the rhythms of rest and work that God has built into His created order.  This week, I want to discuss one of our Lord’s sweetest gifts to His people: the rhythm of six days of work and one day of rest.  The day of rest is known in Hebrew as the Shabbat, meaning “ceasing or stopping,” from which we get our word “Sabbath.”   Because of the Judeo-Christian influence on our world, it can be easy for us to take this pattern of rest and work for granted.  For a moment, rather than looking at this through the lens of 21st century…

  • Pastoral Letters

    What Does It Mean to Rest in Christ?

    This month, we are studying the ways that God has designed us to glorify Him both in our rest and our work. As we saw in last week’s letter, God has designed the world with built-in rhythms for both:  He has designed the day for activity and the night for sleep.  He has designed seasons for harvesting and seasons for reaping.  He has designed six days for working and one for rest.  He even gives us a few months off from cutting grass each year!  These rhythms all point to the wise design of an caring God.    No Rest for the Weary If such rhythms are baked into creation, why…